Project Description

A program specially designed for contracting companies that identifies the feasibility study of any project before implementation begins and gives its proposed costs from the foundations of the company and market standards. Handle operations accounts each process from the feasibility study to the awarding of the tender and start-up phases, which include:-

1:- Enter the receipt of a contract deposit, if any

2:- definition of contract details

3:- Entering revenue extracts, statement of work of the various subcontractors and manufacturers, procurement of raw materials and items required performing the work

4:- Entering any payments from clients or subcontractors

5:- In addition, cash was handed over to the trustees of the custody for disbursement of the process and then details of the settlement of the custody then enter all the remaining exchange items on the process.

This version also includes an integrated unit to track fixed and current assets and depreciation accounts at the highest level of accuracy

After completion of project, software is given performance indicators during the operational implementation period, showing weaknesses for decision makers and giving comparisons between actual and optimal for each work item.

In addition to the enormous number of analytical reports covering all phases of the project from its receipt until its completion, which help the project owner to know everything about dealing with the contractor, materials, workers and accountants

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